Paolo Zavagna


Title Prof.
Family name Zavagna
First name(s) Paolo
Date of birth
Nationality Italian
Academic degree PhD
Current position Full professor of Musica elettronica in the Conservatories of music
Institution Conservatorio di Musica “B. Marcello” of Venezia –  Italy
Mailing address
Phone number
Email address


PhD (International Research Doctorate in Audiovisual Studies: Cinema, Music and Communication) at the University of Udine;

Laurea in Lettere (110 cum laude) at the “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venezia;

Diploma in Electronic music (110 cum laude) at the Conservatorio di Musica “B. Marcello” of Venezia;

Diploma in Pianoforte at the Conservatorio di Musica “B. Marcello” of Venezia;

Compimento inferiore of Composition at the Conservatorio di Musica “J. Tomadini” of Udine.


Courses attended
Course on the video-cinema techniques organized by the CEC (Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche) of Udine.


Collaborations with
CIRS (Centro Internazionale di Ricerca Strumentale) of Venezia (musical editing);

CSC (Centro di Sonologia Computazionale) of Padova University (realization and performance of the electronic part of Salvatore Sciarrino and Corrado Pasquotti works);

CIRM (Centre Internationale de Recherche Musicale) of Nice [restauration of the four original mono tapes of Luciano Berio Thema (Omaggio a Joyce)];

Centro Tempo Reale of Firenze (setup of the historical tapes archive of the Center);

CERM (Centro Ricerche Musica e Sperimentazione Acustica) of Sassari (sonographic analysis and musical database);

MIRAGE (Musical Informatics Research and Applications. Gorizia Equipe) of Gorizia (University of Udine) (restoration of works of electronic and ethnic music);

CNR-ISTI (ex CNUCE) of Pisa (study on the audio archives in Toscana and the state of the maintenance of the audio materials in them contents);

University of Venezia, Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia, corso di laurea TARS (organization and care of an audio laboratory for activity of broadcast production);

Conservatorio di Musica “L. Cherubini” of Firenze in collaboration with ISTI-CNR of Pisa and RAI of Toscana (care and planning of the education of the MARTLab [laboratories for Music and Audio Research-Recovery-Restoration and Technologies –], for the production, the didactic, the care and restoration of the audio heritage);

Head of restoration at MARTLab;

Istituto per la Musica, Fondazione Giorgio Cini ONLUS of Venezia (organizing and planning of seminars on electroacoustic music).


Didactics and organizational activities
Seminars, conferences, laboratories and courses at various institutions (Conservatories of Udine, Vicenza, Trieste, Firenze, L’Aquila; University of Venezia; Fondazione Giorgio Cini ONLUS of Venezia; IAL; ENAIP; RAI; Associazione Ischia Musica);

Courses of updating on computer music applications for teachers at high schools;

Music for theater and video laboratories;

Full professor of Musica elettronica in the Conservatories of music from 1997;

Organizing in 2009, 2010 and 2011of 12 seminars and 5 concerts at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini – Isituto per la musica in Venezia;

In service at the Conservatorio di Musica “B. Marcello” of Venezia as full professor of Musica elettronica (Esecuzione e interpretazione della musica elettroacustica, COME/01).


Partecipation in
Seminar organized by the RAI of Milano entitled “Avevamo nove oscillatori…” with a lecture on the analysis of Luciano Berio Thema (Omaggio a Joyce);

XIX International Biennale of contemporary music of Zagabria with a lecture on magnetic audio tapes restoration;

Quarto Colloquio di Musicologia organized by Il Saggiatore musicale (Bologna, November 2000) with a lecture entitled I documenti sonori dell’etnomusicologia e dell’elettromusicologia come ‘testi’ nella musica senza notazione;

Conference Documenti sonori, due giornate di studi sulle fonti sonore dei repertori musicali senza notazione, Firenze, April 2004, with a lecture entitled Il documento sonoro come fonte and a seminar about Dischi, nastri, rulli, MIDI file;

6th European Music Analysis Conference / VII. Jahreskongress der Gesellschaft fuer Musiktheorie, Freiburg, October 2007, with a lecture entitled Salvatore Sciarrino’s lyric opera Perseo e Andromeda: “natural, not realistic”;

IN-VERSO tecnologico, Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, 26 novembre 2009, lecture on Relationships between music and communication;

Impronte sonore per una didattica integrata della storia e della geografia. Università di Padova, 11 giugno 2013;

Research co-director of the journal «Music/Technology», Fondazione Franceschini/FUP (Firenze University Press) of Firenze


As pianist, with modern and contemporary music repertoire, in Vicenza, Venezia, Verona, Belluno, Parma, Terni, Santander (Spagna), Roma (concert recorded by the RAI and broadcasted by the Radiotre programme), Udine;

As sound engineer and live-electronics director in Stuttgart, Gibellina, Milano, Torino, Udine, Venezia, Treviso, Strasbourg, Praha, London, Paris, Firenze, performing works of Sciarrino, Berio, Battistelli, Ambrosini, Furlani, Pasquotti, Saariaho, Crumb, Reich, Romitelli;

As composer, at the 56. Festival Internazionale di Musica Contemporanea, la Biennale Musica of Venice, with Imaginary soundscape n.6, a multichannel work at Giardini della Vergini.


Selected Publications

Salvatore Sciarrino, Perseo e Andromeda, Synthetic sounds section, Milano, Ricordi, 1992, score n.135358, pp. 134-214;

(Performer at live-electronics) Salvatore Sciarrino, Perseo e Andromeda, CD-A, BMG-Ricordi, CRMCD 1059, 2000;

Article for Quello che è stato Marino Zuccheri, «Musica/Realtà», LIM, n.77, luglio 2005;

Introduction and editing of Teresa Rampazzi, Selected writings, «Music/Technology», n.1, FUP, 2007;

Il documento sonoro come fonte, «Music/Technology», n.2, FUP, 2008, pp. 11-34.
Trascrivere documenti sonori, «Music/Technology», n.6, FUP, 2012.

La voce senz’anima: origine e storia del Vocoder, «Music/Technology», n.7, FUP, 2013, pp. 27-64.

With Lorena Rocca, Percorsi educativi sui paesaggi sonori, in Michi Francesco (ed.), Per chi suona il paesaggio, Fratini Editore, Firenze, 2015, pp. 125-148.